is also in – check out the classes page!
Moreno Mitrović’s abstract
is in – check out the classes page!
Two more syntax abstracts
Irina Burukina’s abstract
We have one more abstract for this year’s school, for Irina Burukina’s class on non-finite constructions. You can find it here!
Three more abstracts in
One of Neda Todorović’s classes, Olga Borik’s class in week 2, Intro to semantics (Berit Gehrke & TBD) – check out the classes page!
Registration for EGG 2023 in Novi Sad open now!
To register click here (or the link below) by June 30th. Before registering, take a look at the FAQ – practical information for useful travel tips, to find out about the dorm accommodation and more. If you have questions, contact us at eggsummerchool(at)gmail. com
More class abstracts and the schedule will be added soon.
First semantics abstract in
Check out the classes page!
Six phonology abstracts online
Course titles and abstracts are rolling in… check out the Classes page, with abstracts of A. Shikunova’s, G. Schwartz’ and M. Simonovć’ classes.
One more phonology teacher
Alexandra Shikunova from Moscow (HSE) will be teaching two phonology classes.
EGG 2023 in Novi Sad
This year EGG is coming to Novi Sad in Serbia. Save the usual dates, last week in July and first week in August, 24 July – 4 August. The registration fee (which includes accommodation) will be 210 / 250 EUR.
You can look forward to the following teachers:
- Aron Hirsch (ZAS Berlin)
- Beáta Gyuris (Budapest)
- Florian Breit (Bangor)
- Geoff Schwartz (U Poznan)
- Irina Burukina (Budapest)
- Marcin Wagiel (Wrocław/Brno)
- Marko Simonović (Graz)
- Moreno Mitrović (HU Berlin)
- Neda Todorović (Toronto)
- Nino Grillo (York)
- Olga Borik (UNED)
- Paula Fenger (Leipzig)
- Željko Bošković (UConn)
Stay tuned for more!