We are very happy to have the following teachers on board. They will announce their classes soon. There will be intro courses to syntax, semantics and phonology, topical classes on the various issues the teachers work on and in-depth research classes.
Phonology teachers:
Shanti Ulfsbjorninn (Deusto Bilbao)
Christian Uffmann (Düsseldorf)
David Odden (Ohio)
Syntax teachers:
Karlos Arregi (Chicago)
Jessica Coon (McGill)
Emily A. Hanink (Manchester)
Thomas McFadden (ZAS, Berlin)
Sandhya Sundaresan (Leipzig)
Hedde Zeijlstra (Göttingen)
Semantics teachers:
Simon Charlow (Rutgers)
Elizabeth Coppock (Boston)
Serge Minor (Tromsø)
Deniz Rudin (University of Southern California)