course descriptions Kulikov

Course descriptions and readings for the two classes by Vladimir Kulikov are in, check the classes tab.

About suggested readings (for all classes): we try to make them all available for download, and some actually already are. We are working on the others…

List with registered people so far

The list of registrees as of yesterday is online at:…/registered+parti…/564374.html

But we still have place for more poeple! Tell your friends! Bring your relatives! Make Linguistics EGGy again (quote: Marten Stelling)!

If you do not see yourself represented, register again. There will be a disconfirmation period later if you can’t make it after all. If there are any problems or questions, contact the organizers, Tobias Scheer or Hedde Zeijlstra.

phon-morph classes

The six phon-morph classes taught by Nicola Lampitelli, Patrick Honeybone and Vladimir Kulikov are now settled. There is a disbalance between week 1 and week 2, five of the six classes being taught in week one. Here’s the list:

Intro track

1. Lampitelli – Intro to Interface theories (phonology – morpho-syntax) (week 1)

2. Honeybone – Intro to Historical Phonology (week 1)

3. Intro to experimentally-based phonological evidence (week 2)

Thematic classes

1. Lampitelli – Phonological decomposition of inflectional markers: pardigms vs. allomorphy (week 1)

2. Honeybone – Does word frequency affect phonology? Reasons to be cautious (weel 1)

3. Voicing assimilation and its relevance for the Dresher-Reiss debate on the role (or existence) of contrast in phonology (week 1)

Abstracts are following… stay tuned.


Registation is open now (till June 1). Use this link! The non-reduced fee is 150 euros and the reduced fee is 100 euros. This includes accommodation during the entire school.


Spread the word …

Syntax and semantics teachers

And here are the names of the syntax and semantics teachers. Welcome! Very happy to have you all on board.


John Bailyn (Stony Brook)

Hagit Borer (QMUL)

Caterina Donati (Paris 7)

Patrick Elliott (Leibniz-ZAS)

Andy Murphy (Leipzig)

Bjorn Lundquist (Tromso)

Daniele Panizza (Göttingen)

Gillian Ramchand (Tromso)

Yasu Sudo (UCL)

Sarah Zobel (Tübingen)


Stay tuned for the registration information