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Eastern Generative Grammar (EGG)
EGG 2024 in Brașov: July 22-August 2
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Aida Talić: The Clitic SynPhony: Syntactic phases and prosodic domains (Week 1)
Alison Biggs: The Syntax of Argument and Event Structure (Week 1)
Alison Biggs: Topics in morphosyntax (Week 2)
Berit Gehrke: Aspect and temporal definiteness
Deniz Özyıldız: Event Semantics
Deniz Özyıldız: Intonation and Meaning
Ede Zimmermann (week 1) & Ekaterina Vostrikova (week 2): Introduction to Semantics
Ekaterina Vostrikova: Exceptive Constructions
Harris: Introduction to the Prosodic Structure of Words
Harris: the Prosodic Structure of Words: Experimental Explorations
Hestvik: Advanced topics in MMN and phonology
Hestvik: Introduction to MMN and phonetics / phonology
Iosad: Representations and contrast
Iosad: Slavic Phonology
John Frederick Bailyn: Scrambling the EGG (Week 1)
Madeleine Butschety: Additives and Comitatives
Madeleine Butschety: Topics at the Syntax-Semantics Interface
Magdalena Lohninger: What is a subject? (Week 2)
Scheer: Phase space
Scheer: Substance-free Phonology and 3x Phonology
Todd Snider: The Semantics of Anaphora
Tom Meadows: The Williams Cycle (Week 1)
Earlier schools
EGG 2015: Brno, Czech Republic
EGG@Brno: Course Schedule
Bhatt & Homer – Topics in Modality (2 weeks)
Open Podium
List of registered participants
EGG 2016: Lagodekhi, Georgia
classes EGG16
D’Alessandro – Syntactic agreement
D’Alessandro – Syntactic microvariation
Dekany – The structure of DP, with special reference to Hungarian
Den Dikken – Dependency and directionality
Den Dikken – From GB to minimalism
Faust – How real are roots and templates? Issues in non-concatenative morpho-phonology
Faust – What’s phonological in phonologically-conditioned allomorphy: an introduction to the phonology-morphology interface
Hamann – The phonetics-phonology interface in perception and production
Mayr/Schmitt – Introduction to semantics
Mayr/Schmitt – Precedence in semantics
mini-theme in phonology: The relationship between phonology and phonetics is arbitrary
Papillon – Introduction to substance-free phonology
Papillon – Reduplication in derivational theories
Scheer – Why modularity predicts that the relationship between phonetics and phonology is arbitrary
Sudo – Presuppositions
Walkden & Zeijlstra – Intro to syntax
Walkden – syntactic change
Walkden – verb second
Zeijlstra – NPIs and PPIs
EGG 2017: Olomouc (Czech Republic)
Courses & Presentations: EGG 2017
Advanced Courses
Agreement Mismatches: When Theory and Experiments Meet
Cognitive modeling in linguistics: connecting experimental findings and theoretical claims
Exploration of phonological space
Interaction and satisfaction: a theory of agreement
Issues in the Syntax of Case & Agreement
Linguistic variation and English dialect syntax
Semantics of Aspect
Semantics of propositional attitudes
Tense in Crosslinguistic Perspective
The morphophonology of passives and the architecture of grammar
The semantics and pragmatics of discourse particles (2 weeks)
The subject position
Topics in Variation (TV)
EGG 2017 Schedule
EGG 2017: Course certificate
Intro Courses
Introduction to Determinants and Consequences of Primary and Secondary Stress
Introduction to Phonological Representations
Introduction to Phonological Space
Introduction to Semantics (2 weeks)
Introduction to Syntax
Open Podium Schedule
Student Presentations: Week 1 (Friday, July 28)
Student Presentations: Week 2 (Tuesday, August 1)
Student Presentations: Week 2 (Wednesday, August 2)
EGG 2018 in Banja Luka
Bailyn – Introduction to Syntax (Part II)
Bailyn – Theories of scrambling
Borer – Roots and beyond – topics in the syntax of words
Donati – Labels in syntax
Donati – The syntax of relative clauses
Elliott & Murphy – Topics in the Syntax of Ellipsis
Elliott & Sudo – Ellipsis, Binding, and Logical Form
Elliott – Introduction to Semantics (Part II)
Honeybone – Does word frequency affect phonology? Reasons to be cautious (week 1)
Honeybone – Introduction to historical phonology (week 1)
Kulikov – Intro to experimentally-based phonological evidence
Kulikov – Voicing assimilation and its relevance for the Dresher-Reiss debate on existence of contrast in phonology
Lampitelli – Intro to Interface theories (phonology – morpho-syntax)
Lampitelli – Phonological decomposition of inflectional markers: paradigms vs. allomorphy
Lundquist – Experimental methods in the study of morpho-syntactic variation, change and acquisition
Murphy – Introduction to syntax (Part I)
Murphy – Phase theory
Panizza & Sudo – The Exhaustivity Operator: Current Issues and Perspectives
Panizza – Neurolinguistics
Ramchand – Introduction to Formal Semantics (Part I)
Ramchand – Situations and Syntactic Structures
Zobel – Introduction to Pragmatics
Zobel – The Semantics of Perspective Sensitivity
EGG 2019 in Wrocław
Classes (2018)
Christian Uffmann – Distinctive Feature Theory
Christian Uffmann – Issues in Feature Theory
David Odden – Formal and Substance Free Theories of Phonological Grammar
David Odden – Introduction of Phonological Computation and Representation
Deniz Rudin – The Semantics-Discourse-Pragmatics Interface: Theory and Applications:
Elizabeth Coppock – Introduction to Formal Semantics (2 weeks)
Emily Hanink – Internally headed relatives and clausal nominalization
Jessica Coon – Hierarchy effects (2-day mini course)
Jessica Coon – Introduction to Ergativity:
Karlos Arregi & Emily A. Hanink – The syntax of switch reference
Karlos Arregi – When heads move
Sandhya Sundaresan & Hedde Zeijlstra – Introduction to Syntax (2 weeks)
Serge Minor – The Semantics of Grammatical Aspect in Slavic (and Beyond)
Shanti Ulfsbjorninn – A typology of morphological segment-zero alternations
Shanti Ulfsbjorninn – Introduction to Affixation
Simon Charlow – Alternatives in Semantics (2 weeks)
Thomas McFadden – Clause-Peripheral Agreements — Allocutivity, Complementizer Agreement and the Theory of Agree
Thomas McFadden, Sandhya Sundaresan, and Hedde Zeijlstra – Structure Building, Selection & Selective Opacity (2 weeks)
EGG 2021 – online
Adrian Stegovec — Language particulars versus language universals: An Algonquian case study
Adrian Stegovec — Person restrictions in syntax: A generative typological approach
Anke Himmelreich — Upward vs. Downward Agreement
Chris Golston – Introduction to stress
Chris Golston – Phonological Movement
Elan Dresher – Topics in Contrastive Hierarchy Theory
Elan Dresher, Intro: Foundations of Contrastive Hierarchy Theory
Maria Kouneli — Determiner spreading
Marijn van ‘t Veer – Introduction to Element Theory (two weeks)
Milica Denić & Wataru Uegaki – Semantic universals: Theories and experimental investigations
Milica Denić – Experimental methods in semantics and pragmatics
Vera Hohaus & Wataru Uegaki – Introduction to semantics
Vera Hohaus – Modality and gradability
classes EGG 2021 – online
EGG 2022 in Brno
Chabot – Features in phonological theory: what, where, and why
Chabot – Phonology as substance-free cognition
Daria Seres – (In)definiteness in natural languages
Doreen Georgi: The syntax of sharing constructions (Week 1)
Hadil Karawani – Aspect
Iosad – What did representations ever do for us?
James Griffiths’s Topics in Ellipsis (Week 2)
Jeremy Kuhn – Sign Language Semantics
Marcin Wągiel – The form and meaning of numerals
Natalia Slioussar – Experimental studies of the grammar
Pavel Caha: Introduction to Nanosyntax (Week 1)
Pavel Caha: Introduction to Syntax
Pavel Caha: The Nanosyntax of the Adjective (Week 2)
Petra Mišmaš: Introduction to Cartography (Week 2)
Sayeed – Phonological theory and Bayesian philosophy of science
Scheer – What substance-free phonology means for substance-free phonology
Stephanie Solt & Jeremy Kuhn – Introduction to Semantics
Stephanie Solt – The semantics of degree modification
Viola Schmitt – The status of possible worlds in deriving semantic representations
Volenec – Formal rule-based phonology
Volenec – The logical structure of phonological theory
EGG 2023: Novi Sad, Serbia
Aron Hirsch: The syntax and semantics of only
Beáta Gyuris: The semantics of interrogatives and the pragmatics of questions
Berit Gehrke & Daria Seres: Introduction to semantics
Bošković: Distributed coordinations
Bošković: On wh and subject positions and contextuality
Breit – Introduction to melodic representation
Breit – Phonology at the Interface with Morphosyntax
Fenger: Domains in syntax, morphology, and phonology (Week 2)
Fenger: Introduction to syntax (Week 1)
Grillo: Better together: Topics in experimental (psycho)linguistics
Irina Burukina: Topics in non-finite complementation
John Frederick Bailyn: Syntactic Structures and its legacy
Marcin Wągiel: Part-whole structures
Moreno Mitrović: Comparative Morpho-Logic & Parametric Semantics
Neda Todorović: Negation and questions in Serbian
Neda Todorović: Syntax-semantics-morphology interplay in Gitksan complements
Olga Borik: The semantics of nominal reference
Schwartz – Bilingual speech and phonological representation
Schwartz – Phonetic arguments for phonological abstraction
Shikunova – Stress in a lateral theory of phonology
Shikunova – Topics in the phonology of Uralic
Simonović – Pitch accent: Stress+Tone?
Simonović – Morphologically Controlled Tone: A Case Study from BCMS
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Daily Archives:
May 21, 2023
Beáta Gyuris’s abstract is in
Posted on
May 21, 2023
Berit Gehrke
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