You can still register in the weekend! Registration will close on Sunday, June 2, at noon (12:00). So grab your chance …
Monthly Archives: May 2019
readings for Odden’s classes
David Odden has set up a page for his classes where he will make relevant readings available. There is also additional information about the classes, updated over time. There are two tabs under the EGG heading. The guiding text for his intro class is already there…
Christian Uffmann’s abstracts in
Have a look at the classes tab. All about features.
Syn-sem abstracts dropping in
All syntax and semantics titles are now online, and most abstracts too. Check it out, and let’s face it: this is exciting 🙂
Dave Odden’s abstracts in
have a look at the classes tab.
Registration open!
Registration is now open. Click here (or in the link below) to register for Wroclaw2019. Please register by the end of this month – we need to know how many dorm beds we need to reserve. When you register, you will see a confirmation screen (no email will be sent). We will upload the list of registrants every few days. For questions, contact me (zeijlstra AT
Just a few days …
Registration will start soon, just a few days. We’ll keep you posted …
Information about prices
The school is very cheap. The fee, including 13 nights of dorm accommodation is 150 euros, and there is reduced fee of 100 euro for students from former communist countries. For whom that is still too expensive there are also possibilities for (ad hoc) grants; just contact the organizers about that.
Information about the dorms
Here’s some info about the dorms: students and teachers stay in the same dorms, where two students share a single room. The dorm is called Ołówek and is on walking distance to the class rooms. A picture can be found here (look for Ołówek).
Semantics also in!
Information is pouring in thick and fast now. We are delighted to welcome the following egg-cellent semanticists to our 2019 Wrocław team! Simon Charlow (Rutgers), Elizabeth Coppock (Boston), Serge Minor (Tromsø), and Deniz Rudin (University of Southern California). Welcome aboard!!